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Holiday 2024 Calendar

Events for the Holiday 2024 Calendar

Argentina Calendar has 9 events
27th July    New Year 
27th July    Labor Day Day of honoring workers
28th July    Independence Day Independence from Spain in 1810
28th July    National Day Officially declared Independence fr ...
28th July    San Martin Day Commemorate the death of San Martin ...
28th July    Columbus Day Christopher Columbus discovered Ame ...
red indicates official holiday


Australia Calendar has 5 events
27th July    New Year 
28th July    Australia Day Settlement of the first British in ...
28th July    ANZAC Day Initial letter of Australian and Ne ...
28th July    Christmas Christmas comes from the words Chri ...
28th July    Boxing Day 
red indicates official holiday
Brazil Calendar has 14 events
27th July    New Year 
28th July    Rio De Janeiro Anniversary 
28th July    Sao Paulo Anniversary 
28th July    Tiradentes Day Tribute to Jose'da Silva Xavier who ...
27th July    Labor Day Day of honoring workers
28th July    Assumption Day Mary's body was 'assumed' into heav ...
red indicates official holiday


Canada Calendar has 10 events
27th July    New Year 
28th July    Valentine's Day A day to express love and appreciat ...
28th July    Saint Patrick's Day The patron saint of Ireland, born a ...
28th July    Saint Jean Baptiste 
27th July    Canada Day Dominion Day
29th July    Halloween Night to wear masks, costumes and f ...
red indicates official holiday


China Calendar has 6 events
27th July    New Year 
28th July    Women's Day In praise of working women. Commemo ...
28th July    Ching Ming Honor the dead, dated back to 206 b ...
27th July    Labor Day Day of honoring workers
27th July    National Day The founding of People Republic of ...
27th July    National Day (2nd Day) 
red indicates official holiday
France Calendar has 11 events
27th July    New Year 
27th July    New Year (2nd Day) 
27th July    Labor Day Day of honoring workers
28th July    VE Day Victory Day
28th July    14 Juillet FĂȘte Nationale
28th July    Bastille Day The launching of the French Revolut ...
red indicates official holiday


Germany Calendar has 11 events
27th July    New Year 
28th July    Epiphany Epiphany means 'manifestation', com ...
27th July    Labor Day Day of honoring workers
28th July    Assumption Day Mary's body was 'assumed' into heav ...
28th July    Unity Day 
29th July    Day Of Reformation 
red indicates official holiday


India Calendar has 7 events
27th July    New Year 
28th July    Republic Day Independence from Britain in 1950
29th July    Yearly Bank Closing 
27th July    Labor Day Day of honoring workers
28th July    Independence Day Pakistan and India become two indep ...
27th July    Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday The word Mahatma means 'Great Soul'
red indicates official holiday


Indonesia Calendar has 3 events
27th July    New Year 
28th July    Independence Day Independence from Dutch in 1945
28th July    Christmas Christmas comes from the words Chri ...
red indicates official holiday
Italy Calendar has 12 events
27th July    New Year 
28th July    Epiphany Epiphany means 'manifestation', com ...
28th July    Liberation Day The overthrown of Mussolini rule du ...
27th July    Labor Day Day of honoring workers
29th July    Saints Peter And Paul Day 
28th July    Assumption Day Mary's body was 'assumed' into heav ...
red indicates official holiday


Japan Calendar has 13 events
27th July    Oshogatsu (New Year) 
28th July    Seijin-no-Hi Honoring those who reached their 20 ...
28th July    National Foundation Day Commemorate the accession to the th ...
29th July    Midori-no-Hi Celebrate the birthday of Emperor H ...
28th July    Constitution Memorial Day The adoption of the democratic cons ...
28th July    National Holiday 
red indicates official holiday


Mexico Calendar has 13 events
27th July    New Year 
28th July    Constitution Day 
28th July    Benito Juarez's Birthday 
27th July    Labor Day Day of honoring workers
28th July    Cinco De Mayo Battle of Puebla
27th July    Day Of President's Report Bank holiday only
red indicates official holiday


Russia Calendar has 12 events
27th July    New Year 
27th July    New Year (2nd Day) 
28th July    Orthodox Christmas from the words Christ's Mass, celeb ...
28th July    Women's Day In praise of working women. Commemo ...
27th July    Labor Day Day of honoring workers
27th July    Labor Day (2nd Day) 
red indicates official holiday


South Africa Calendar has 10 events
27th July    New Year 
28th July    Human Rights Day 
29th July    Freedom Day 
27th July    Labor Day Day of honoring workers
28th July    Youth Day 
28th July    National Women's Day 
red indicates official holiday


Spain Calendar has 11 events
27th July    New Year 
28th July    Epiphany Epiphany means 'manifestation', com ...
28th July    Saint Joseph's Day 
27th July    Labor Day Day of honoring workers
28th July    Pamplona San Fermin San Fermines
28th July    Assumption Day Mary's body was 'assumed' into heav ...
red indicates official holiday


Turkey Calendar has 5 events
27th July    New Year 
28th July    National Sovereignty And Children's Day 
28th July    Ataturk Remembrance, Youth And Sports Da ... 
29th July    Victory Day 
29th July    Republic Day Commemorate the founding of Turkish ...
red indicates official holiday
United Kingdom Calendar has 7 events
27th July    New Year 
27th July    Bank Holiday (Scotland Only) 
28th July    Saint Patrick's Day The patron saint of Ireland, born a ...
28th July    Battle Of The Boyne N. Ireland Only
28th July    UK Guy Fawkes Day 
28th July    Christmas Christmas comes from the words Chri ...
red indicates official holiday


United States Calendar has 11 events
27th July    New Year 
27th July    Groundhog Day 
28th July    President Lincoln's Birthday Became president in 1861, his missi ...
28th July    Valentine's Day A day to express love and appreciat ...
28th July    Saint Patrick's Day The patron saint of Ireland, born a ...
28th July    Earth Day Conservation, protection and intell ...
red indicates official holiday


International Calendar has 5 events
28th July    St Valentines Valentines
27th July    April Fools Day 
29th July    Halloween 
28th July    Christmas Christmas day
29th July    New Year New Years Eve
red indicates official holiday
Seasons Calendar has 4 events
28th July    Spring 
28th July    Summer 
28th July    Autumn 
28th July    Winter 
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