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Events for the China 2007 Holiday Calendar

China Calendar has 13 events
1st January    New Year 
18th February    Lunar New Year (1st Day) Beginning of the new lunar cycle
19th February    Lunar New Year (2nd Day) 
20th February    Lunar New Year (3rd Day) 
21st February    Lunar New Year (4th Day) 
8th March    Women's Day In praise of working women. Commemo ...
5th April    Ching Ming Honor the dead, dated back to 206 b ...
1st May    Labor Day Day of honoring workers
19th June    Tuen Ng Commemorate the Chinese poet, Chau ...
25th September    Mid-Autumn Festival Commemorate the uprising against th ...
1st October    National Day The founding of People Republic of ...
2nd October    National Day (2nd Day) 
19th October    Chung Yeung Family Remembrance Day
red indicates official holiday
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